Diaper Need: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?
Hello Friend,
The typical infant needs more than 2,900 diapers each year. That’s a lot of diapers and a lot of diaper changes! But there are mothers in our community who cannot afford all the diapers their baby needs. That gap between the number of diapers a baby needs and the number of diapers the family can afford is called diaper need. Diaper need is not just a problem for babies and the people who love them; it may also be a problem for people with disabilities and adults including seniors with incontinence issues.
Diaper need matters
Diaper need matters because babies who don’t get their diapers changed frequently are at risk for skin rashes, infections, and many other poor health outcomes. A lack of diapers may stop parents from bringing their baby to vital early education programs. Food stamps and WIC cannot be used to buy diapers. Diaper need matters because people with incontinence issues may be isolated from social activities, religious events, and just plain taking a walk in the community or visiting the library. In severe situations, skin rashes and skin breakdown may occur.
Addressing diaper needs
AngelaCARES is doing something very important to address diaper needs. For nearly 6 years, we have been giving out diapers, diaper wipes, and incontinence products to babies, families, and adults who need them. But we need your help to continue to help babies, adults, and families with diapers even more.
How to help
You can help by
Donating diapers directly to AngelaCARES
Hosting a diaper drive at work or among friends
Making a birthday celebration into a ‘diapers only’ gift request
Hosting a ‘diapers only’ baby shower
Sending us diapers via Amazon or diapers.com
Sending us gift cards for us to purchase diapers. For more information, please call 201-706-2884 or send an email to project@angelacares.org.
Thank you! Together we can address diaper needs in our community and enhance the lives of babies, families, and adults.